
Sunday 25 September 2016

Hello And Welcome To Life Style Eating

We are a group of passionate young women excited about sharing our love of diverse foods with the world. Each of our team members specialise in a different food style:

Elle - A LITTLE BIT NAUGHTY  - Desserts++ Guilty Pleasures and all things sweet-I love chocolate and anything terrible for you!

Charlotte & Rohini - VEGAN ++ VEGETARIAN - We're all about vegetarian-friendly cuisine which promotes a healthy and cruelty-free diet. Our aim is to encourage young people to step outside their comfort zones and try something different!

Lilly - CHEAP MEALS - Being a young adult, it can be easy to fall into the pattern of eating minute-noodles and fast-food for its cheap convenience, but my page will show you how to eat healthy and not spend a fortune!

Pegah - PALEO - This diet is based on lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats from nuts, seeds, avocados and grass fed meat. The aim of this blog is to show that it is possible to enjoy food whilst eating healthily!

Happy eating!!

-The LSE Team

PHOTO CRED: http://previews.123rf.com/images/marilyna/marilyna1411/marilyna141100026/33526048-Large-diet-and-weight-loss-superfood-selection-in-bowls-and-spoons-over-lokta-paper-background--Stock-Photo.jpg

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